Essential Roofing Questions Answered

Roofing refers to the material and methods used to create a structure's protective covering. It shields the building from weather elements.

Typically, a roof lasts about 20-30 years, depending on the materials used and maintenance. However, you should have it inspected regularly to ensure its health.

Common materials include asphalt shingles, metal, tile, and wood. Each has its advantages and suitable applications.

Leaks can be due to various reasons like damaged or missing shingles, gaps in the flashing, or even clogged gutters. It's best to get an expert to check.

While it's possible to layer shingles, it's often not recommended. Adding layers can hide underlying issues and add weight to the roof's structure.

Depending on the size and complexity, most residential roofs take 1-3 days to replace.

Regularly clear debris, check for damage, and clean the gutters. Annual professional inspections can also help detect issues early.

A repair addresses specific damaged areas, while a replacement involves changing the entire roof or a significant portion of it.

Contrary to popular belief, metal roofs are not necessarily noisier than other types. Proper insulation and installation can reduce noise.

It's best to avoid walking on your roof to prevent damage. If necessary, consult a professional to ensure safety.